dimanche 15 septembre 2024
Accueil » Du violon des tavernes aux palais : une histoire de passion musicale

Du violon des tavernes aux palais : une histoire de passion musicale

par María Fernanda González

Lina Tur Bonet, Mercedes Ruiz y Alejandro Casal: un recital majestuoso de violín, violonchelo y clave

En 1618, en Sevilla, Velázquez painted "The three musicians", whilst the violin was still considered an instrument for popular dances and tavern music. In the foreground, the table filled with wine, bread, and a monkey, symbolizing the vices, hints at the debauchery and indulgence that took place in the sevillian houses, where middle-class citizens would let themselves go, dancing to the sound of vihuelas, bandolines and violins. But in just twenty years, the violin would acquire a new status, becoming a staple instrument in both palaces and chapels, paving the way for a creative and imaginative approach, free from any formalities. This is the repertoire that Lina Tur Bonet chose for her recital, held in Espacio Turina on a Saturday, January 20th, in front of a full house.

As a violinist, Lina Tur Bonet is a force to be reckoned with. She tackled the complex and virtuoso passages found in the pieces by Selma, Pandolfi or Falconieri with ease, showcasing her technical prowess and artistic personality. The passeggiato style holds no secrets for her, with its whimsical modulations (Pandolfi) and expressive tonal shifts (Selma). And once she delved into the eighteenth century repertoire, the intricate passages of Veracini and Corelli, combined with her melodious phrasing in the more lyrical moments, shone brightly in her hands, with energetic accents and dazzling moments in Corelli’s famous Folía.

Tur Bonet was accompanied by two exceptional musicians, Mercedes Ruiz on cello, with her powerful sound and sparkling articulation, and Alejandro Casal on harpsichord. They engaged in beautiful dialogues with the violin in pieces such as Veracini’s Capriccio, and above all, in "La suave melodía" by Falconieri, where the violin and cello alternated between pizzicato and melody. In Caldara’s sonata, Ruiz had her time to shine as a soloist. In the Ciaccona by Veracini, her cello even managed to surpass the violin in terms of presence and sound, as she delivered an energetic and brilliant performance.

A captivating and majestic recital, where the chemistry between the three musicians was evident and perfectly complemented the repertoire chosen by Tur Bonet. It was a true musical feast, showcasing the evolution of the violin and its newfound status in the Baroque era. The audience in Espacio Turina was treated to a concert full of energy, passion, and virtuosity, under the expert interpretation of Lina Tur Bonet, Mercedes Ruiz, and Alejandro Casal. A musical journey that truly captured the essence of both the instrument and the time period.

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